Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Currently executing query - wait status

Recently, I had a developer who came to my desk with a request.

' I started a execution of a script from a program. the program has been running for a long time. I don't know whether its executing or hanging. Can you check from database whether the script is running or hanging and if hanging at which statement it is hanging?. If possible please tell me why its hanging..'

Earlier in my blog, I posted the following script to check the currently running query.

SELECT spid,
       TEXT                       AS [query],
       Db_name(sysprocesses.dbid) AS dbname,
FROM   sys.sysprocesses
       OUTER APPLY Fn_get_sql(sql_handle)
WHERE  spid > 50

The above query would give the stored procedure's name or starting statements of the script/batch and not the exact statement within the stored procedure or batch that is currently executing. To find that one should use sys.dm_exec_requests

SELECT session_id,
       Substring(txt.TEXT, ( statement_start_offset / 2 ) + 1,
       ( ( CASE statement_end_offset
       WHEN -1 THEN Datalength(txt.TEXT)
       ELSE statement_end_offset
           - statement_start_offset ) / 2 ) + 1) AS statement_text,
FROM   sys.dm_exec_requests
       CROSS APPLY sys.Dm_exec_sql_text([sql_handle]) AS txt
WHERE  session_id <> @@SPID
       AND session_id > 50 

The query above gives the currently executing statement within a batch. sys.dm_exec_requests provides the columns statement_start_offset ,statement_end_offset which specify the starting and ending positions of the currently executing query within a batch, in bytes. As 'text' column returned by dm_exec_sql_text is of nvarchar datatype, statement_start_offset/2 is required to get to the starting postion of the query. statement_end_offset returns -1 to indicate the end of the batch.So, statement_text column of the query answers the first part of the developer's request.

Now, for the next part , ie finding the status of the query ie.. running/hanging/sleeping etc

A user request can take the following major states.

> Sleeping : Query completed execution and has nothing to do. Connection
is still not closed.
> Running : Currently running/executing.
> Runnable: Can run but waiting for a processor. Implies waiting in
processor queue.
> Suspended: Waiting for some resource or event. Wait may be because of
locks, IO completion, Latch or Memory wait etc.

Sleeping requests are not shown in sys.dm_exec_requests. Runnable/Suspended state requests are the ones we need to watch out for. Runnable/Suspended states are not abnormal, as long as they dont stay at the same state for a long time.

Now for the third part..' Why it is hanging..'

The wait_type column on the resultset will return the reason why a request is waiting. To know the meaning of each wait type refer here

Popular few wait types are given below

CXPACKET - Wait beacuse of Parallelism.
LOGBUFFER - Waiting for the logbuffer to release some space in the memory.
LCK_M% - Waiting for lock to be released. Refer to Blocking_Session_id for finding the blocking process.

Other interesting columns returned by dm_exec_requests are wait_time returning time spent waiting in ms, percent_complete indicating progress of the query,
cpu_time,reads,writes,logical_reads and row_count. percent_complete mostly indicates the progress for select queries,backup process but not for DML operations.

So, a quick execution of the script and checking the wait state details can clearly
show the current progress/ status of the request.

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